Entrevistamos a la familia Caballero González

Hoy os presentamos a la familia Caballero González, formada por los padres Ana y Emi; los hijos Pablo y Andrea; y su perrita Lola. Pertenecen a la Fundación Síndrome de Dravet desde hace 14 años. Uno de los objetivos de la Fundación es dar a conocer este síndrome, y la familia Caballero González lo tiene muy claro: «El sistema sanitario debería conocer mejor este síndrome y sobre todo los medicamentos que pueden utilizar ante una crisis en los servicios de urgencia, pues a veces […] le administran medicamentos que, aunque paren la crisis, le provocan un largo y tedioso estado postcrítico». Lee y comparte su entrevista para dar más visibilidad al síndrome de Dravet y evitar este tipo de problemas.


¿Con quién juega y a qué?
Andrea tiene ya casi 16 años por lo que su juego preferido son los videojuegos (el Fornite sobre todo) en donde ya tiene su grupo de amigos y además no tiene ningún problema en relacionarse vía online con gente nueva.
En el instituto suele relacionarse con niños de menor edad que ella, a los que le encanta ayudar. Con su mejor amiga también juega, quien está con ella desde infantil.

¿Qué le gusta?
Le gusta, además de los videojuegos y ver videos en redes sociales, jugar al fútbol y al baloncesto con sus amigos en el parque, nadar y bucear en la piscina.

¿Qué le disgusta?
Como adolescente, lo que menos le gusta es que la controlen y le digan lo que tiene que hacer y cómo, su madurez es algo inferior a su edad real, por lo que necesita que la guiemos todavía en muchos aspectos, sobre todo a la hora de organizar sus estudios.

¿Le gustan los animales?
Si, le gustan mucho, sobre todo los perros, no se separa de su perra Lola.

¿Tiene algún cuento del que no se separe?
Le gusta mucho leer y sigue varias colecciones de libros juveniles.

En casa, ¿se comunica frecuentemente con mamá y papá?
Nunca ha sido muy expresiva, pero cuando quiere o lo necesita se comunica sin problemas, aunque no se explique muy bien.

¿Tiene berrinches con frecuencia?
Ahora los berrinches son cuando le quitamos horas de videojuegos por mal comportamiento o notas bajas.

¿Cómo le tranquilizáis?
La tranquilizamos haciéndola entender que ahora su principal objetivo debe ser los estudios y su educación. Tenemos la suerte de que nunca ha tenido que repetir curso y ha sacado buenas notas, aunque eso sí, con mucho esfuerzo por su parte y por la de sus padres que hemos tenido que ejercer desde su etapa infantil como docentes, incluso participando activamente en el cole.


¿Qué edad tenía cuándo le diagnosticaron síndrome de Dravet?
Se lo diagnosticaron cuando tenía quince meses. Comenzó con las crisis a los cuatro meses, sobre todo con las vacunas, los cambios de temperatura al meterla en el agua y la fiebre. Esta etapa fue un deambular de hospitales y especialistas en búsqueda de un diagnóstico, hasta que a raíz de un estatus epiléptico de cuatro horas tras la vacuna de los quince meses y donde hubo que inducirle un coma, su neurólogo empezó a sospechar que fuera este síndrome, por lo que pidió una segunda opinión y solicito pruebas genéticas para confirmarlo.

¿Conocías la enfermedad?
No la conocíamos.

¿A quién pedisteis ayuda/consejo para que os guiara?
Nuestro mayor apoyo siempre lo hemos encontrado en nuestra familia y amigos, además también hemos contado con el consejo de neurólogos y pediatras, aunque sí que es verdad que la mayoría de los pediatras no conocían la existencia de este síndrome.
Y una vez diagnosticada la enfermedad los neurólogos que la han atendido siempre han mostrado mucho interés en su evolución, al padecer una variante menos grave de la enfermedad, ya que aunque hubiera crisis estas no le producían un deterioro motor o cognitivo en principio muy significativo.

¿Sigue alguna terapia?
En cuanto a medicación en la actualidad toma ácido valproico y topiramato, a dosis muy bajitas, pero por ahora imprescindibles, pues le hemos intentado quitar tanto uno como otro y las crisis vuelven sin estímulo aparente.
Desde que se le implantó este tratamiento, las crisis son producidas solamente por fiebre, por lo que hay temporadas de casi un año sin crisis y estas, si aparecen, ceden solas y duran poco tiempo.

¿Han cambiado con el tiempo las terapias?
Sí, ha tomado varios medicamentos a lo largo de la evolución de su enfermedad, aunque el ácido valproico se ha mantenido desde el inicio.

¿Hay algo que creas que necesita una mejora inmediata del sistema sanitario?
Creo que el sistema sanitario debería conocer mejor este síndrome y sobre todo los medicamentos que pueden utilizar ante una crisis en los servicios de urgencia, pues a veces si no estas encima o tú lo desconoces le administran medicamentos que, aunque paren la crisis, le provocan un largo y tedioso estado postcrítico.


¿Cómo de difícil es compaginar trabajo y una hija con síndrome de Dravet?
Siempre ha sido difícil compaginarlo y eso ha hecho que su madre tuviera que renunciar a su vida profesional durante varios años. Pero, hoy en día, al ser las crisis producidas solamente por fiebre y como al ser más mayor hay menos procesos febriles, podemos volver a centrarnos más en nuestros trabajos, siempre contando con la ayuda de su hermano, que aunque es cuatro años más pequeño que ella, ya ha tenido que atenderla en alguna ocasión, y de sus abuelos que viven muy cerquita y pueden asistirla en caso de crisis en pocos minutos.

¿Cuál es vuestra rutina?
Su rutina es casi como la de cualquier chica de su edad, va al instituto por la mañana y la tarde la dedica a sus estudios que le acaparan mucho tiempo, pues le cuesta mucho memorizar, comprender y expresarse, pero tiene mucha fuerza de voluntad y constancia, lo cual junto con nuestra ayuda le ha permitido que ya en pocos días se gradúe en ESO y comience el año próximo el Bachiller.

¿Y durante los fines de semana?
Durante el fin de semana salimos a pasear, juega sus horas ganadas de videojuegos, según su comportamiento y vamos a visitar a la familia.
Lo que aún no hace es salir sola con amigos, pues no se integra todavía mucho socialmente con los chicos de su edad, eso es algo que sabemos que puede llegar pronto y que nos asusta bastante.

¿Cuál es la actividad favorita de Andrea?
Le gusta leer, pintar, hacer puzles, escuchar música y su deporte favorito es el fútbol.

¿Cómo está siendo la pandemia con un niño con síndrome de Dravet?
Durante el confinamiento fue un poco agobiante, pues estuvo sola en casa con su hermano, vigilada con cámaras desde nuestros trabajos y una vez finalizado el confinamiento, el miedo surge al poder contraer la enfermedad, pues no sabemos cómo le puede influir ni si la podría superar sin muchas complicaciones.


¿Acudís al fisio o recibís masajes?

¿Os sentís apoyados y escuchados por la Fundación Síndrome de Dravet?
Sí, gracias a la fundación hemos conocido mejor esta enfermedad y siempre nos han aconsejado ante cualquier problema o duda.

¿Alguna petición?
Seguir luchando para conseguir una cura y que la enfermedad se conozca.


¿Alguna recomendación para futuras familias?
Lo que más me ha impulsado a participar en esta entrevista es dar a conocer nuestra experiencia en esta enfermedad, para animar a las nuevas familias, ya que, aunque todo se vea negro al principio y sobre todo cuando te dan el diagnóstico, al informarte sobre este síndrome y ver todas sus posibles consecuencias te puedes hundir y creer que no vas a poder sobrellevarlo. Pero hay que luchar y vivir el día a día, intentar disfrutar de los buenos momentos con tu hijo, de su cariño y de su felicidad, sin pensar demasiado en el futuro, el cual es siempre incierto, y aunque el camino no siempre es fácil, hay que tener esperanza, pues puedes conseguir logros y metas que en un principio creías inalcanzables y que con el tiempo consigamos paliar o acabar con esta enfermedad.

¿Algo que desee añadir?
Queremos dar las gracias a la fundación por su labor y a sus guerreros y a sus familias mucho ánimo y mucha fuerza.

Desde la Fundación Síndrome de Dravet queremos agradeceros enormemente haber compartido vuestra experiencia de manera tan detallada. Seguiremos avanzando en nuestra lucha juntos. Visibilizar el síndrome de Dravet ayudará a otras familias y entre todos haremos cada día más ruido para potenciar su investigación.

Muchas gracias.

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Abrazo Dravet

La Fundación Síndrome de Dravet celebra la inclusión en el debate político de la jubilación anticipada para cuidadores de grandes dependientes que trabajan

Madrid, 24 de abril de 2024.- La Fundación Síndrome de Dravet celebra la inclusión en el debate político, y más concretamente en el Congreso de los Diputados, de la posibilidad de que cuidadores no profesionales de grandes dependientes que compaginan esta labor con una actividad laboral, entre los que se incluyen a menudo los padres

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The Dravet Syndrome Conference 2023 is organised by Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, whose registered office is located at Calle Doctor Fleming, 30, 28036 Madrid, Spain.

The conference shall take place at the Official College of Nursing of Madrid, at Avenida de Menéndez Pelayo, 93, 28007 Madrid, Spain, on Thursday 23rd of March 2023. Attendance to this conference is free of charge, but mandatory for organisational reasons.

Participants must register online at www.dravetconference.com. Upon registration, each participant will receive an electronic confirmation by email. On-site registration will not be be possible. If a participant has not received the official email registration confirmation within 3 days, they must contact the conference secretariat at [email protected].

The conference registration includes: Attendance to all sessions, oral and visual presentations, all coffee and lunch breaks, and conference documentation with all information about the event. The registration does not include travel and accommodation costs or any other personal expenses.

Admittance to the conference without registration cannot be granted.

Conference Attendance
Upon arrival at the Official College of Nursing of Madrid the day of the event, all participants have to check-in at the onsite Conference Registration Desk. The desk will open on 23rd of March at 8:30 a.m. Upon registration onsite, the conference team will provide participants with information about the event and a badge, which should be worn visibly at all times. The personalised badge authorises participants to attend all conference sessions, and lunch and coffee breaks.

Cancellation Policy
Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain reserves the right to cancel any registration forthwith and without liability on its part in the event of any damage to, or destruction of the venue by fire, shortage of labour, strikes, industrial unrest, public health measures, or any other cause beyond the control of the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, which shall prevent it from performing its obligations. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to find an alternative format/venue or propose a new date for the conference. Should the conference be cancelled for any reason, airfares, hotels, or other costs incurred by the participants are not reimbursed by the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain.

Any participant is allowed to cancel his/her registration but must notify this to the conference organisers by e-mail at [email protected] within a minimum of 10 days prior the event. Failure to attend the event without prior written notification by email may incur a no-show fee, which shall cover individual organizational, material and catering costs.

Name Change
All registrations are only valid for the respective person mentioned in the form. A registered participant unable to attend the conference may nominate (free of charge) a substitute participant by notifying the conference organisers by email at [email protected] before 16th of March 2023. The procedure allows giving the last name, first name, and email address of the new participant.

Personal Data
Upon registration, the participant authorises Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain to use their personal data stated above to inform the participant of any further conferences, events, or information concerning the conference and Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain’s activities. The conference booklet online will only contain authors, titles, and affiliations of submitted abstracts, but no full abstract texts. The conference printed booklet will contain full abstract texts from all participants. Conference certificates will be sent to the participants as a PDF document upon request at [email protected]. Only the name & affiliation will be stated in the certificate, not the email addresses of the participants.

Information is collected by an automated computer system that manages registrations. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed by state-of-the-art technical tools. However, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain declines any responsibility concerning data security transmitted through the internet.

The conference is held in public; therefore, we do not ban participants, exhibitors, partners and other companies from taking photographs of conference activities and participants, and share it via social media. By participating in the conference, you approve that general pictures will be taken and used for our Social Media output, our websites and other communication purposes. You hereby waive any right to oppose, and expressly authorise the organiser to make them available on the Internet or as it may seem fit. Author’s presentation slides shall not be photographed by any conference participant. 

The conference organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Should, for any reason outside the organiser’s control (e.g., political or economic circumstances or a case of ‘force majeure’), the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled, the organiser will endeavour to reschedule, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by the participants. If for any reason the organiser decides to make material changes to this conference, the organiser is not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by the participants. The participant takes part in the conference, all tours, and trips at his own risk.

The participant is allowed to use the conference documentation exclusively for his/her personal needs.


The European Dravet Syndrome Advanced Therapies (EDSAT) Meeting 2023 is organised by Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, whose registered office is located at Calle Doctor Fleming, 30, 28036 Madrid, Spain.

The conference shall take place at the Official College of Nursing of Madrid, at Avenida de Menéndez Pelayo, 93, 28007 Madrid, Spain, on Friday 24th of March 2023. Attendance to this conference is free of charge, but mandatory for organisational reasons.

Participants must register online at www.dravetconference.com. Upon registration, each participant will receive an electronic confirmation by email. On-site registration will not be be possible. If a participant has not received the official email registration confirmation within 3 days, they must contact the conference secretariat at [email protected].

The conference registration includes: Attendance to all sessions, oral and visual presentations, all coffee and lunch breaks, and conference documentation with all information about the event. The registration does not include travel and accommodation costs or any other personal expenses.

Admittance to the conference without registration cannot be granted.

Conference Attendance
Upon arrival at the Official College of Nursing of Madrid the day of the event, all participants have to check-in at the onsite Conference Registration Desk. The desk will open on 24th of March at 8:30 a.m. Upon registration onsite, the conference team will provide participants with information about the event and a badge, which should be worn visibly at all times. The personalised badge authorises participants to attend all conference sessions, and lunch and coffee breaks.

Cancellation Policy
Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain reserves the right to cancel any registration forthwith and without liability on its part in the event of any damage to, or destruction of the venue by fire, shortage of labour, strikes, industrial unrest, public health measures, or any other cause beyond the control of the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, which shall prevent it from performing its obligations. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to find an alternative format/venue or propose a new date for the conference. Should the conference be cancelled for any reason, airfares, hotels, or other costs incurred by the participants are not reimbursed by the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain.

Any participant is allowed to cancel his/her registration but must notify this to the conference organisers by e-mail at [email protected] within a minimum of 10 days prior the event. Failure to attend the event without prior written notification
by email may incur a no-show fee, which shall cover individual organizational, material and catering costs.

Name Change
All registrations are only valid for the respective person mentioned in the form. A registered participant unable to attend the conference may nominate (free of charge) a substitute participant by notifying the conference organisers by email at [email protected] before 17th of March 2023. The procedure allows giving the last name, first name, and email address of the new participant.

Personal Data
Upon registration, the participant authorises Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain to use their personal data stated above to inform the participant of any further conferences, events, or information concerning the conference and Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain’s activities. The conference booklet online will only contain authors, titles, and affiliations of submitted abstracts, but no full abstract texts. The conference printed booklet will contain full abstract texts from all participants. Conference certificates will be sent to the participants as a PDF document upon request at [email protected]. Only the name & affiliation will be stated in the certificate, not the email addresses of the participants.

Information is collected by an automated computer system that manages registrations. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed by state-of-the-art technical tools. However, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain declines any responsibility concerning data security transmitted through the internet.

The conference is held in public; therefore, we do not ban participants, exhibitors, partners and other companies from taking photographs of conference activities and participants, and share it via social media. By participating in the conference, you approve that general pictures will be taken and used for our Social Media output, our websites and other communication purposes. You hereby waive any right to oppose, and expressly authorise the organiser to make them available on the Internet or as it may seem fit. Author’s presentation slides shall not be photographed by any conference participant.

The conference organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Should, for any reason outside the organiser’s control (e.g., political or economic circumstances or a case of ‘force majeure’), the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled, the organiser will endeavour to reschedule, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by the participants. If for any reason the organiser decides to make material changes to this conference, the organiser is not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by the participants. The participant takes part in the conference, all tours, and trips at his own risk.

The participant is allowed to use the conference documentation exclusively for his/her personal needs.


The European Dravet Syndrome Advanced Therapies (EDSAT) Meeting 2022 is organised by Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, whose registered office is located at Calle Doctor Fleming, 30, 28036 Madrid, Spain.

The conference shall take place at the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid, at Calle de Santa Isabel, 51, 28012 Madrid, Spain, on Friday 1st of April 2022. Attendance to this conference is free of charge, but mandatory for organisational reasons. Participants must register online at www.dravetconference.com. Upon registration, each participant will receive an electronic confirmation by email. On-site registration will not be be possible. If a participant has not received the official email registration confirmation within 3 days, they must contact the conference secretariat at [email protected].

The conference registration includes: Attendance to all sessions, oral and visual presentations, all coffee and lunch breaks, and conference documentation with all information about the event. The registration does not comprise travelling and accommodation costs or any other personal expenses.

Admittance to the workshop without registration cannot be granted.

Conference Attendance
Upon arrival at the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid the day of the event, all participants have to register at the onsite Conference Registration Desk. The desk will open on 1st of April at 8:30 a.m. Upon registration onsite, the conference team will provide participants with information about the event and a badge, which should be worn visibly at all times. The personalised badge authorises participants to attend all conference sessions, and lunch and coffee breaks.

Cancellation Policy
Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain reserves the right to cancel any registration forthwith and without liability on its part in the event of any damage to, or destruction of the venue by fire, shortage of labour, strikes, industrial unrest, public health measures, or any other cause beyond the control of the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, which shall prevent it from performing its obligations. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to find an alternative format/venue or propose a new date for the conference. Should the conference be cancelled for any reason, airfares, hotels, or other costs incurred by the participants are not reimbursed by the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain.

Any participant is allowed to cancel his/her registration but must notify this to the conference organisers by e-mail at [email protected] within a minimum of 10 days
prior the event. Failure to attend the event without prior written notification
by email may incur a no-show fee, which shall cover individual organizational,
material and catering costs.

Name Change
All registrations are only valid for the respective person mentioned in the form. A registered participant unable to attend the conference may nominate (free of charge) a substitute participant by notifying the conference organisers by email at [email protected] before 24th of March 2022. The procedure allows giving the last name, first name, and email address of the new participant.

Personal Data
Upon registration, the participant authorises Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain to use their personal data stated above to inform the participant of any further conferences, events, or information concerning the conference and Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain’s activities. The conference booklet online will only contain authors, titles, and affiliations of submitted abstracts, but no full abstract texts. The conference printed booklet will contain full abstract texts from all participants. Conference certificates will be sent to the participants as a PDF document upon request at [email protected]. Only the name & affiliation will be stated in the certificate, not the email addresses of the participants.

Information is collected by an automated computer system that manages registrations. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed by state-of-the-art technical tools. However, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain declines any responsibility concerning data security transmitted through the internet.

The conference is held in public; therefore, we do not ban participants, exhibitors, partners and other companies from taking photographs of conference activities and participants, and share it via social media. By participating in the conference, you approve that general pictures will be taken and used for our Social Media output, our websites and other communication purposes. You hereby waive any right to oppose, and expressly authorise the organiser to make them available on the Internet or as it may seem fit. Author’s presentation slides shall not be photographed by any conference participant.

The conference organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Should, for any reason outside the organiser’s control (e.g., political or economic circumstances or a case of ‘force majeure’), the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled, the organiser will endeavour to reschedule, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by the participants. If for any reason the organiser decides to make material changes to this conference, the organiser is not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by the participants. The participant takes part in the conference, all tours, and trips at his own risk.

The participant is allowed to use the conference documentation exclusively for his/her personal needs.


The Dravet Syndrome Conference 2022 is organised by Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, whose registered office is located at Calle Doctor Fleming, 30, 28036 Madrid, Spain.

The conference shall take place at the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid, at Calle de Santa Isabel, 51, 28012 Madrid, Spain, on Thursday 31st of March 2022. Attendance to this conference is free of charge, but mandatory for organisational reasons. Participants must register online at www.dravetconference.com. Upon registration, each participant will receive an electronic confirmation by email. On-site registration will not be be possible. If a participant has not received the official email registration confirmation within 3 days, they must contact the conference secretariat at [email protected].

The conference registration includes: Attendance to all sessions, oral and visual presentations, all coffee and lunch breaks, and conference documentation with all information about the event. The registration does not include travel and accommodation costs or any other personal expenses.

Admittance to the conference without registration cannot be granted.

Conference Attendance
Upon arrival at the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid the day of the event, all participants have to register at the onsite Conference Registration Desk. The desk will open on 31st of March at 8:30 a.m. Upon registration onsite, the conference team will provide participants with information about the event and a badge, which should be worn visibly at all times. The personalised badge authorises participants to attend all conference sessions, and lunch and coffee breaks. 

Cancellation Policy
Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain reserves the right to cancel any registration forthwith and without liability on its part in the event of any damage to, or destruction of the venue by fire, shortage of labour, strikes, industrial unrest, public health measures, or any other cause beyond the control of the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, which shall prevent it from performing its obligations. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to find an alternative format/venue or propose a new date for the conference. Should the conference be cancelled for any reason, airfares, hotels, or other costs incurred by the participants are not reimbursed by the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain.

Any participant is allowed to cancel his/her registration but must notify this to the conference organisers by e-mail at [email protected] within a minimum of 10 days prior the event. Failure to attend the event without prior written notification by email may incur a no-show fee, which shall cover individual organizational, material and catering costs.

Name Change
All registrations are only valid for the respective person mentioned in the form. A registered participant unable to attend the conference may nominate (free of charge) a substitute participant by notifying the conference organisers by email at [email protected] before 24th of March 2022. The procedure allows giving the last name, first name, and email address of the new participant.

Personal Data
Upon registration, the participant authorises Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain to use their personal data stated above to inform the participant of any further conferences, events, or information concerning the conference and Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain’s activities. The conference booklet online will only contain authors, titles, and affiliations of submitted abstracts, but no full abstract texts. The conference printed booklet will contain full abstract texts from all participants. Conference certificates will be sent to the participants as a PDF document upon request at [email protected]. Only the name & affiliation will be stated in the certificate, not the email addresses of the participants.

Information is collected by an automated computer system that manages registrations. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed by state-of-the-art technical tools. However, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain declines any responsibility concerning data security transmitted through the internet.

The conference is held in public; therefore, we do not ban participants, exhibitors, partners and other companies from taking photographs of conference activities and participants, and share it via social media. By participating in the conference, you approve that general pictures will be taken and used for our Social Media output, our websites and other communication purposes. You hereby waive any right to oppose, and expressly authorise the organiser to make them available on the Internet or as it may seem fit. Author’s presentation slides shall not be photographed by any conference participant. 

The conference organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Should, for any reason outside the organiser’s control (e.g., political or economic circumstances or a case of ‘force majeure’), the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled, the organiser will endeavour to reschedule, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by the participants. If for any reason the organiser decides to make material changes to this conference, the organiser is not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by the participants. The participant takes part in the conference, all tours, and trips at his own risk.

The participant is allowed to use the conference documentation exclusively for his/her personal needs.